Setting Up The Game
Form teams.Teams need not be of equal size (e.g., a team of three can play a team of four). Each team must designate a Scorekeeper. The scorekeeper will forward the scores each week to Synergy where you will be able to see on a weekly basis what team is winning.
The Prize
Each player will contribute $20 which will be put into the prize kitty to be awarded to the winning team at the end of the Game.The more players there are, the greater the prize! The prize kitty will be equally shared by members of the winning team.
Start Date
The official Start Date will be Jan 5th 2011, and impending holidays should not be prohibitive to starting the game.
How to Play
The game is played for EIGHT consecutive weeks. Each player must use the official score sheet to tally his/her total points per week. Each week, the point tallies must be reported to the team’s scorekeeper. The team scorekeeper will then forward them to Wendy, who will post them in a Google doc for all to see. The scorekeeping is based on an honor system—integrity is essential.
Keeping Score
A perfect day is worth 100 points. A perfect day includes:
30 Meal Points: You earn 6 points per meal for eating five fully sanctioned meals. No snacks between meals!
20 Exercise Points: You earn your exercise points by doing some form of exercise for 20 minutes per day.
10 Water Points: You earn your water points by drinking three liters (100 oz or 12.5 cups) of water per day.
15 Sleep Points: You earn your sleep points by sleeping for a minimum of seven hours a night. Exceptions to this rule can be negotiated with the group.
20 Transformation Points: You can earn 10 points a day for practicing one healthy new habit and another 10 points a day for eliminating one unhealthy old habit.
5 Communication Points: You earn your communication points by being in contact with at least one teammate and one opponent each day. (Phone calls, e-mails, and text messages count.)
Each week, each player gets one meal off in addition to one day off. The meal
off and day off may be taken at any time during a given week. They may not be saved and carried over into later weeks. Your day off includes a respite from all
the rules. This respite may be spread throughout the week (i.e., Monday can be your water day off, etc; or you can take one whole day off from everything.)
Bonus Points
You can also earn a 10-point bonus each week by turning in your scores to your team’s scorekeeper by a designated time (e.g., noon on Monday). In addition, each week, a bonus equaling 20 percent of your points earned for the week is awarded for losing 1 percent of your body weight. (Note: If weight loss is not a goal for you, you must set yourself a fitness goal for which you will win your bonus points and inform Wendy in advance of beginning the game.)
There is a 10-point Snacking Penalty for snacking between meals. There is a 20-point Collusion Penalty. If any player suggests to any other player a compromise of integrity, e.g., saying to an opponent, “If I eat a snack and you eat a snack, then we both lose points and it all balances out!” The player suggesting the compromise loses 20 points.
There is a 25-point per portion Alcohol Penalty. A portion equals any amount of alcohol up to 6 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer, or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor. One portion of alcohol may be consumed with the meal off without penalty. Alcohol may be consumed freely on the day off.
If during any week of play a player fails to earn their weight-loss/fitness bonus, that player loses the privilege of alcohol on the day off for the rest of the game.
Winning the Game
At the end of each week, each player turns in their score to the scorekeeper.
A maximum-score week equals seven 100-point days + the 20 percent weight-loss/fitness bonus + the 10-point score keeping bonus.
700 + 140 = 840 + 10-point score keeping bonus = 850
A score of 850 points is the (hard to earn!) maximum points for each week.
At the end of each week, the scorekeeper forwards the scorecards to Synergy. Synergy tallies the total points for the team.The total score for the team is then divided by the number of players in the team.
Team A has three players.
During Week 1, Player 1 earns 750 points. Player 2 earns 840 points. Player 3 earns 780 points.
750 + 850 +780 = 2380
2380 is then divided by 3 for a team score of 793 points.
Team B has 2 players.
Player 1 earns 685 points. Player 2 earns 750 points.
685 + 750 = 1435
1435 is then divided by 2 for a team score of 717.5
So at the end of Week 1, Team A is in the lead!
At the end of eight weeks, Wendy tallies points for the game to determine the overall winner.
In the unlikely case of a tie, the game goes to the team with the highest number of 100-point days.
As a result of the game, your clothes will be looser, your energy will be higher, and you will be losing a minimum of 1 percent of your body weight per week. If any of these things are not true for you after any week of play, please see Chapter 16, Troubleshooting.