This is a general information site about the Game on Diet Program (a book written by Krista Vernoff & Az Freguson) If you're an information freak (as I am) you may want to purchase the book from Amazon. If all you need is a general outline than this site should take care of that for you.
The first game will start on Jan 5, 2011 and go for 8 weeks. If you're interested in joining just let me know at and I'll send you an invitation to join this site.
The site contains a general overview, rules, FLABB foods list, FYT foods list, the score sheet and recipes.
One of the rules has to do with communicating with fellow team members as well as with the competition - feel free to post to the competition here or email or text directly to the person you wish to speak with.
Looking forward to seeing everyone (you losers) at the end of the game, so without any more introduction --- GAME ON!